
The project aims to design an Online Serious Game Creator and create, test and evaluate Mini OER Serious Games within learning scenarios.
It aims to improve didactics, education and learning in higher education with Online Serious Game Creator – and is stuated in the EU ERASMUS + programme as a strategic partnership in the field of Higher Education. In the IDEAL GAME project, higher education institutions are jointly creating an online game creator for serious games to improve teaching and learning in higher education institutions.

The idea of IDEAL GAME is to activate the students and let them take part in a flipped classroom approach with the use of serious games in the online phases, where the learners prepare lessons and learn new aspects, concepts and theories in self-directed learning online and come back to the lesson to reflect and discuss on the learned topics and use the face-to-face learning times to deepen knowledge and compare understanding and positions.

The IDEAL GAME tool will offer the chance to create different types of small serious games which can be integrated in modules and lectures: e.g.

(a) serious games for learning professional and subject related vocabulary,

(b) serious games, for assignment of corresponding facts and terms

(c) serious games which focus on process flows

(d) competitive serious games to enhance learning

(e) Puzzle Games to get in contact with models and theories etc.